미련한 사람들

1.) Trying to be a jerk? I don't think so.

4,) He'll never try to knife someone's tire ever again. Hopefully.

5.) A poor sport playing paintball learned a lesson.

6.) If you mess with dogs, the universe will make sure you pay.

7.) Road rage never pays. But it will make people laugh at you.

8.) Stupid prank backfires on a stupid teen.

9.) Senseless vandalism? NOPE.

10.) Violence begets violence, man.

12.) The best part? He was still mad at the end.

13.) FAIL.

14.) If you're robbing someone, make sure you know how to use a door.

15.) Don't abuse animals. They will abuse you back.

16.) He thought this trick would be funny. It ended up being hilarious.

17.) Don't mess with ducklings.

18.) Whhhhaaattt LOL.

20.) Wrong move, buddy.

22.) Remember, don't be mean to animals.


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